Fieldwire: The Construction App for the Field
3 Designers | 3 Weeks
Every month, a percentage of Fieldwire users stop actively using the tool after initial sign up. Our challenge was to keep users engaged beyond sign up in order to increase the number of daily active users.
We designed a new on-boarding flow, made copy & visual changes overall, and designed new features for the web app. Our team provided user research, usability testing insights, user flows, wireframes, mockups, and clickable prototype.
Client Research
Our research began by working with Fieldwire's marketing and business development teams to understand their biggest concerns and KPI's they'd like us to address. Through our discussions, we decided on our approach:
User Research
Defining the User: Proto-Persona
Next, we spoke with the "Customer Success" team to understand their current power users. Through this research, we decided to create a "Proto-Persona"--given that our insights were from the business' current understanding of their users, and not quite an exact reflection of the actual power user--which would help us create our initial designs.
Usability Testing & Findings
We familiarized ourselves with Fieldwire--the company and product. To learn users’ frustrations we conducted usability tests with our network of project managers. After watching users attempt to move through the product, a few problem areas became clear:
User Flow
Fieldwire had not yet had any tangible visualizations of their users' journey through the tool. We created a user flow (original found in "further research") then made an updated version based on where we saw the most pain points.
Because our design solutions needed to have the same styling and patterns as the current product, we were able to test high-fidelity wireframes quickly. After further understanding hick-ups in the product, we made some copy, visual, and technical changes that would increase engagement among users--In particular, during the on-boarding flow.
Correcting "Copy Confusion"
For the final screen of the on-boarding tutorial, we had to dive deeper into verbiage. With another set of users, we conducted a word association activity that allowed us to see what words went with what definitions.
**Our suggestions, based on our word association activity done with users.
**Assumptions by users about other words we presented.
Updating Tool Interactions
User interactions with the tool seem to be muffled by simple misunderstandings of what is expected. The users who tested the product had certain expectations of its capabilities for which it did not live up to. We made small changes in functionality, color, and copy that created huge relief on the users' end.
Make it Mobile
After administering usability tests on Fieldwire's mobile app, our next steps would be to iterate our web designs to be mobile responsive; this would include a re-vamp of most of the current mobile app, which the company is already expecting to do.